Poetry Club provides outlet for student

Nicole Clark ’13
Copy Editor

For some, getting rid of stressful emotions involves going for a long run.  For others, it’s sitting in their respective bedrooms and blasting music to the point that no one can hear them singing along at the top of their lungs.  And others engage in…less savory activities.

For Sierra Hopkins ’13, poetry is an outlet that allows her to handle the stress in her life.

“I really started writing [poetry] when I was in seventh grade.  A teacher encouraged me [to try it] because she thought I had a knack for writing.  I really picked it up because of the things I was going through at home,” explains Hopkins.

In December 2012, she founded Cedar Springs High School’s poetry club alongside classmate Jessica Garstang in order to share this passion with other students.

Write it out: Hopkins carries a journal around with her to record her thoughts and writing. She has enjoyed writing for much of her life.  Photo by Nicole Clark.

Write it out: Hopkins carries a journal around with her to record her thoughts and writing. She has enjoyed writing for much of her life. Photo by Nicole Clark.

“Poetry was something that, when I was going through something difficult, I could turn to. . . .  When my dad got sick, I turned to it again, and thought that . . . it would be a good idea for people to come together [and do the same],” explains Hopkins.

Poetry Club meets 2:30-3:30 on Mondays in Mrs. Kooi’s room, D227.  Each week, the students share a poem based on a theme.

“It’s really, really laid back.  Everyone supports each other and listens, and there’s no judging.  We do one poem a week, and then we discuss each poem and figure out a topic we want to use for next week,” says Hopkins.

Because of her father’s illness and many other commitments, including hockey and schoolwork, Hopkins is no longer able to participate in poetry club.   However, she hopes that students will continue to participate.  Even though she is not going to be  frequently attending meetings, Hopkins still intends to continue writing poetry.

“Writing every day helps me cope with stress,” explains Hopkins. “I hope that other can find inspiration from [poetry club],”

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